8 Quotes & Sayings By Frank Harris

Frank Harris was a British journalist and social reformer. He worked as a reporter for several newspapers, including The Morning Post and The Daily Telegraph, and as a freelance writer for many others. In 1858, he founded the shorthand reporter's trade publication, The Shorthand Reporter. In 1864, he published a series of short stories under the name “Frank Harris” in The Egoist Read more

His most famous work is Studies in the Psychology of Sex (1894).

Such actions are beyond praise: it is the perfume of such sweet and noble human sympathy that makes this wild beasts' cage a world habitable for men. Frank Harris
Memory is the mother of the muses, prototype Artist. As a rule picks and highlights what is important, omitting what is accidental or trivial. Occasionally, however, is mistaken as all the other artists. Nevertheless it is what I take as a guide page. Frank Harris
(...) always regretted that good memory often prevents us from thinking for ourselves. Frank Harris
The truth is that the fever of desire in youth is fleeting disease that intimacy promptly cure. Frank Harris
I will, however, establish that success in love, as in all other aspects of life, belongs, as a rule, to the persistent and fiber man. Chaucer had reason to make the Old Bath confess: 'The truth is, more or less, we always succumb to attention and perseverance'. Frank Harris
[Referring to the imprisonment of Oscar Wilde]. .. Will civilization never reach humane ideals? Will men always punish most severely the sins they do not understand and which hold forth for them no temptation? Did Jesus suffer in vain? Frank Harris
Strong people are made by opposition like kites that go up against the wind. Frank Harris